Covid Policy

Covid Policy 2021 – 2022

  1. All drop offs and pick ups will be “curbside”, no parent should enter Woodside unless they are a daily co-op parent or special arrangements have been made with your child’s teacher
  2. All adults in the classroom will be required to wear a mask at all times
  3. Children are encouraged to wear a mask but are not required to
  4. Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms and will be required for all adults and children as they enter the classroom.  Frequent hand washing and sanitizing will be ensured throughout the day
  5. Every effort will be made to maintain proper social distancing of children throughout the day
  6. Each child will have their own box of school supplies that will be stored in the classroom, no shared supplies
  7. Shared snacks will no longer be allowed, please send a sealed snack and drink with your child each day
  8. Each class/group within a class will have designated sets of toys.  At the end of each day, all toys that were utilized will be washed in a high temperature dishwasher on premises, laundered or cleaned with a CDC approved cleaning solution
  9. All classroom and restroom surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected every school day

*Policies are constantly monitored to reflect the current recommendations from the CDC and Monroe County