
Programs Currently Offered:

Tiny Tots – Must turn 2 by 12/1. Class times are Monday & Thursday OR Tuesday & Friday 0900-1100

PM Tiny Tot option – Monday & Thursday 1130-130pm

Busy Bees – Must turn 3 by 12/1. Class times are Monday & Thursday OR Tuesday & Friday 0900-1145 with an optional STEM focused day on Wednesday 0900-1145

PM Busy Bee option – Tuesday & Friday 12-245pm, optional STEM focused day on Wednesday 12-245pm

Pre-K – Must turn 4 by 12/1. Class times are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 0900-1200 with an optional STEM focused day on Wednesday 0900-1200

**New Programs!**

Creative Connection – Must be ages 2-5 by 12/1. Class times are Monday & Thursday OR Tuesday & Friday 1115-1215. 30 minutes of hands on projects/art and 30 minutes of music and movement. Open to current students, new students and homeschool families!

Woodside Explorers – Must be ages 4-9 by 12/1. Class times are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 1230-3pm & Friday from 0900-1200. This program combines language, literacy, math and science with hands-on learning. Students have fun exploring their world around them in small groups and individually. This program is developed using the LiteraSCI curriculum, which was created locally by early education experts. Themes include but are not limited to “Animals in the Neighborhood,” “How Things Move,” and “Light, Shadows and Reflections.”